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cancellation Terms are subject to the contract with the supplier and may change from time to time.

'+ '

Details cancellation fees:

'+ '

Once the order is made, until 48 hours after there is no cancellation fees!

'+ '

Starting from 48 hours after the reservation til the time of pick-up (collecting the vehicle): cancellation fee of 25 Euros (in some cases if the cancellation was made inside of 48 hours before pick-up some suppliers will charge 3 days rental as a penalty fee) and clearing costs, if any.

'+ '

You can find the exact details of cancellation fees inside "terms & conditions" in each selected vehicle

' var div = Popup.PopupContainer; var LayOut = Popup.PopupLayOut; LayOut = LayOut.replace(/{TITLE}/,'Cancellation Policy'); LayOut = LayOut.replace(/{CONTENT}/,'
'); div.innerHTML = LayOut; Choice.load_popup(elem, div); } function openInsuranceTerms(elem, isTjsInsurance) { var t = ''; if(isTjsInsurance) t='

The "Reimbursement Insurance" is paid in the event of theft or damage to the vehicle. Insurance supplement promises to refund the excess height of the vehicle is leased.

'+ '

If you are interested Reimbursement Insurance, please, check box this order.

'+ '

The cost of insurance is the amount indicated in ordering page.

'+ '

After booking you will find the insurance policy attached on top of your voucher that going to be sand to your Email.

'; else t='

The deductible is paid in event of theft or damage to the vehicle. Excess Reimbursement Policy guaranteed refund in case of charge.

'+ '

If the rental price does not include Excess Reimbursement Policy and you are interested to purchase it, our company service representative will contact you by telephone.

'+ '

'+ 'The Policy cost is 21.00 euros to cover the 3-day rental (calendar days). '+'
'+ 'Every additional calendar day adds 7.00 euros to the price of the Policy. '+'
'+ 'The Price of the Policy shall not exceed 84.00 euros for up to 28 calendar days.'+'
'+ 'When the rental duration is more than 28 calendar days, the price calculating beyond 28 days will be as described above. '+'
'+ 'The Policy applies on one rental only.'+'
'+ '

'; var div = Popup.PopupContainer; var LayOut = Popup.PopupLayOut; LayOut = LayOut.replace(/{TITLE}/,'Terms of "Excess Reimbursement Policy"'); LayOut = LayOut.replace(/{CONTENT}/,'
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